[Forums] RobotsTXT not found - OutSystems Community

Just a quick question guys how do you apply the robots.txt file in your application? Currently I uploaded one in my application resource robots.txt and ...

Question - OutSystems

I am using Reactive app and know only import resource inside app. The Path will be www.xxx.com/AppName/robots.txt which is not applicable on ...

TV Series on DVD

Old Hard to Find TV Series on DVD

Robots.txt needs to be moved without 301 | OutSystems

Hi all, Ive uploaded my robots.txt file to the Resources and deployed it. Its currently located at ...

OutSystems Community

[Forums] RobotsTXT not found ... Just a quick question guys how do you apply the robots.txt file in your application? Currently I uploaded one in my application ...

Improved crawlability for Reactive Web apps

The robots.txt is a text file with instructions for search engine crawlers. It defines which areas of a website the crawlers are allowed to search. A robots.

Google ADS disapproved our ADS |Website is not crawlable or ...

Hi everyone,. We are facing a couple of frustrating problems at the moment: [Problem 1] Our Google ADS are getting disapproved (We are ...

Robots.txt not found | WordPress.org

Hello there, i am working on a website which i have a physical Robots.text file but when i try to access it with https://somesite/robots.txt.

The power of SEO… now with OutSystems | by João Marques

Search engines expect robots.txt and sitemap.xml files to be available at the domain/Robots.txt and domain/sitemap.xml, respectively. To achieve ...